Hill Climbing/Sprint Gallery

Wanted:  Your Scimitar/Sabre photos!!!  

send to: dave_poole8@hotmail.com



Scimitars at Prescott Hill Climb April 27th 2008

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Above Terry Cox in his Scimitar GT

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Above Gary Cox in his Scimitar GTE

Thanks again to Richard Danby for taking the photos and giving me permission to use them.

You can see all his photos at:




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Above:  These superb pictures were taken by Nick Scott at Gurston Down on 9th September 2007.

Special thanks to Nick for letting me use his photos.

See the rest of his superb photos:




Joseland_Sabre2.jpg (135659 bytes)  Joseland_Sabre.jpg (114393 bytes)

Above: Mark Joseland's Sabre Six in action at Shelsley Walsh.

Special Thanks to Richard Danby for taking the photos and giving me permission to use them.

You can see all his photos at:


or just the Reliant section:




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Above: Nick Forster putting his 1973 Scimitar GTE through its paces!  

Special thanks to Simon McBeath from "The Wing Shop" for taking the photos and giving me permission to use them. 



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Above: Trevor Shortt's Super Modified Scimitar GT on a very wet sprint at HCAAC Debden last October.



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Above: Craig Hughes 1800Ti looking more impressive than ever!!

Since Craig has owned the car it has gone through quite a few changes.  Craig says "I bought the SS1 in April 2004 from Nigel Reeves who ran the car for 7 previous seasons, originally in standard turbo class, then modified and ultimately Super modified (as I bought it).  The car in Nigel's hands won the Super modified class championship and in 2003 won the prestigious overall club championship.

"Since my ownership in 2004, 1 event into the season, the car and driver spent most of the season acclimatising themselves (!) and won the super modified title even though the engine blew spectacularly at Curborough RSSOC '04"

"In 2005 a new engine was built with more power.  There were lots of handling improvements and again it won the Super modified class title."  

"2006 saw a real concerted effort to go for the overall title, having rebuilt most aspects of the car over the last two years and improved the handling to my liking.  I finally managed to take the 2006 overall club championship title after contesting 15 rounds and narrowly fending off Garry Cox (modified champ 2006 SE5a) and Chris Eades (Std class champ 2006 SS1 1600).

To See video footage of Craig's SS1 in action Visit:


Car spec:-

Stripped and lightened interior, half cage, carbon race seat, incar camera.
4" wider rear track due to 9" wide rear tyres.
Engine produces 250bhp and 240lb/ft torque.
Turbo Technics T28 Lo-Lag Hybrid turbo (made for the car)
Emerald M3DK Engine Management System
Nissan close ratio gear set
Quaife LSD differential
AP race 4 pot alloy calipers and vented discs (front)
Std drums with larger wheel cylinders (rear)

Weight approx 730kg (110kg lighter than std)
0-60 is approx 4.8 to 5 secs (traction permitting)
Top speed 157mph (current diff) 169mph (3.62 diff)

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Above: Craig and his car in action

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Above: Various stages of development

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Above: Craig's Scimitar SS1 1800ti evolving.



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Above: Paul Turnbull's newly built Scimitar GTE SE5 is in the Super Modified Class of the Reliant Sabre & Scimitar Owners Club Speed Championship.



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Above:  Chris & Louiza Johnson's Scimitar Coupe named "Darkstar" in action.  This Scimitar is fitted with a Ford 2.9SEi engine and the car now lives in France.

See the "Modified Motors" section or the "Overseas Gallery" for more pictures of this stunning Scimitar.



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Above: The ex-Paul Turnbull's R.S.S.O.C championship winning sprint/hill climb car of 2005 as it was also featured in:

 "Retro Cars" magazine December 2005


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Above: Steve Abercrombie's Super modified Scimitar GT in Action at Castle Coombe


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Above: Ben Gough (R.S.S.O.C. "Road Going Modified" winner in 2003) in action!  Ben clearly has a dislike for traffic cones and will do anything to destroy them!!  



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Above: This 'Fun'tastic Scimitar GT is a serious competitor at Curborough Sprint track.



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Above: Iain Daniels Supercharged Scimitar GTE, is a truly remarkable beast on the track!  See a write up on Iain's car in the RETRO CARS magazine (October 04 edition) and Practical Performance Car (November 06).



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Above: Trevor Shortt's  Super Modified Scimitar GT


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