Overseas Gallery


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Above: Torben Guld from Denmark sent in these photos of his recently restored SE6.  It looks superb!!


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Above: Adrian's pride and joy is his SE6a in France.

  It's currently covered in 'Baltic Ice Road Challenge' graphics, which Adrian hopes to take part in during 2010 as the 2009 event was cancelled.


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Above: Joe Krüger's - Reliant Scimitar GTE SE5a in Germany


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Above: Joey O'Sullivan's 1979 Reliant Scimitar GTE SE6a in Southern Ireland


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Above: Peter Snoden's very smart 1970 Scimitar GT in Ireland.

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Above: Peter's not afraid to use it either! ;o)

Thanks for peesped.com giving permission to use the photos



Reliant Scimitar Sabre LHD (191680 bytes)  Reliant Scimitar Sabre LHD (171752 bytes)  Reliant Scimitar Sabre LHD (112371 bytes)  Reliant Scimitar Sabre LHD (90632 bytes)

Above: Thomas Touw's Reliant Scimitar Sabre from the Netherlands


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Above: Stephen Boden's Scimitar SE5a in Ireland.  Looks smart with minilite wheels.


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Above: Achim Neugebauer recently bought this very nice 1972 Scimitar GTE SE5a from the UK

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Above: Now in it's new home in Germany with its new plates



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Above: Recent pictures of Dave's car with its Union Jack roof

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Above: Dave Stewart's 1970 Scimitar GTE in New Zealand



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Above: Darren James from Winnipeg, Canada recently bought this stunning 1987 Scimitar SS1 1800Ti.  It has only got 306 miles on the clock from new and was in storage (since new) in Alabama!!  It is believed that the car was exported from new as an attempt by Reliant to sell the Scimitar SS1 in the USA.


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Above: Darren also now owns Dave Saunders old Scimitar GTE.



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Above: Eric stands proudly with his Scimitar with its new superb paint job!

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Above: With a bit of hard work Eric stripped all the paint and has painted it in primer for now. 

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Above:  Eric Brechard imported this 1974 Scimitar GTE SE5a from the UK to Québec, Canada.



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Above: Thanks to Steve Bryant for sending in these pictures of his Reliant Sabre in South Africa.  

Steve says:
"The sabre was purchased from the reliant factory in march 93 [two gates in Tamworth] it was then sent to Birmingham where I stripped it for shipping as CKD [completely knocked down] import parts at 40% or a car at 110%?  It was assembled and used at the factory as a company car for a number of years and eventually was put into storage for approx two years, that’s when I took hold of it.  Since then it has been in use every day almost with no more than the usual car trouble".


Richard's Scimitar GTE (135066 bytes)  Richard's Scimitar GTE (139145 bytes)

Above: Richard Erdman's Scimitar GTE in New Zealand


John's Scimitar GTE  John's Scimitar GTE Interior  Scimitar GTE SE6 Interior

Above: John Dorking's Scimitar GTE in New Zealand


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Above: Kim Wolf recently bought a 1973 Scimitar GTE SE5a in Germany



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Above: Alexander Panitzki's very tidy 1973 Scimitar GTE SE5a in Germany


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Above: Walter and Suzannes's Scimitar GTE SE6a in Belgium


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Above: Bill Graepel from Florida USA sent in these photos of his 1962 Sabra Sport that he is going to restore to its former glory.



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Above: These incredible pictures are of the most beautiful 1962 Sabra that I have ever seen.  This stunning example is currently for sale at Hyman Ltd Classic Cars in the USA.

Special Thanks to Shawn Dougan of Hyman Ltd. for allowing me to use their photographs.

Click here to find out more about a Sabra.



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Above: Risto Tanhuanpää's Reliant Scimitar SS1 1600 in Finland



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Above: Bart Cieluch's Reliant Scimitar GT restoration project in Poland.  Bart has some interesting plans for his Scimitar including widening the front suspension using Sierra hubs, fitting independent rear axle with unequal wishbones, disc brakes and electric windows.



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Above:  Patrick's updated pictures.  He has been quite busy, well done Patrick!

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Above:  Patrick Monnin's  1969 Scimitar GTE restoration project in Switzerland



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Above: Jason Torchinsky's Reliant Scimitar Se5a in Los Angeles.

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Above: Jason's car was used for this photo with Evan Dando (lead singer of the Lemonheads) on his bonnet.



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Above: Paul McGinty's Reliant Scimitar GTE SE5a from New Zealand



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Above: Axel Tenkink from the Netherlands driving his LHD Scimitar GT during a Rally for the Dutch Classic Championship September 2006.



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Above: Jacob Shalit from the outskirts of Los Angeles and his wonderful race prepared Sabra Roadster.

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Above: Jacob Shalit's other Sabra GT Racecar and the first ever built Sabra Roadster.

See some more pictures of the Jacob's Sabra GT and Roadster in the Circuit Racing Gallery



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Above: Geoff Taylor's rare straight six Reliant Scimitar GT is in Cyprus



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Above: Erik Sørensen's Scimitar GTE SE5 in Denmark


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Above: This Scimitar SS1 was spotted in Bermuda!



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Above:  Chris & Louiza Johnson's magnificent Scimitar Coupe in France.  The car named "Darkstar" fitted with a Ford 2.9 EFi engine and more pictures can be seen in the "Modified Motor" section or see the car on the track in the "Motorsport Gallery".



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Above:  David's Scimitar GTE in Michigan, USA



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Above: Chris Gascoigne's well sorted 1970 Scimitar GTE located in Australia.



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Above: Tilmann A. Müller's SE5a Scimitar GTE in Germany



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Above: First batch of Reliant Scimitar GT's and GTE's being exported to Australia in 1969.  They were to be sold through car dealer 'Castle Motors' in Adelaide.

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Above: Second batch of Reliant Scimitar GT's and GTE's arrive in Australia in 1970 (Photo Courtesy of Richard Tapp, whose Scimitar was third from the left.)

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Above: Richard Tapp's SE5 still looking good in Australia, now owned by his brother.



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Above: Dave Stewart uses his 1970 Scimitar SE5 daily  in New Zealand



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Above: Gert Stevens 1976 Scimitar SE6a in the Netherlands



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Above: Bruce's Reliant Scimitar GTE SE5a in New Zealand



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Above: Greg Heacock's Reliant Sabre Six in Seattle

See more of Greg's Sabre in action in the motorsport gallery!!



The Thomas Touw collection from the Netherlands

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Above: Thomas Touw's Reliant Cipher project

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Above: Thomas Touw's 1966 Reliant Scimitar GT (2.6 litre straight six)

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Above:  Thomas Touw's Reliant Scimitar GTE ongoing restoration 


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Above: Rene's V8 powered Scimitar in Holland



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Above: Erik Hoffman's Scimitar SS1 800Ti in Holland



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Above: Gary Parnaby's Sabre 6 and Scimitar GT in Australia


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Robert Brandy's Reliant Sabre 6 in Luxemburg

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Per Haegermark's SE5, all the way in Sweden.  I like those wheels!!




If you would like to see your car featured here, then please send me a picture atleast 800 x 600 pixels or bigger.

Click here to email me