Scimitar Sabre Gallery

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billc_3.JPG (219769 bytes)  billc_1.JPG (184836 bytes)  billc_7.JPG (129318 bytes)  billc_2.jpg (204958 bytes)  billc_6.JPG (194422 bytes)  billc_4.JPG (176200 bytes)  billc_5.JPG (219034 bytes)

    Above: Bill Crawford's 1994 Mk1 Scimitar Sabre 1800Ti



doug_black_1.jpg (230623 bytes)  doug_black_2.jpg (223396 bytes)  doug_black_3.jpg (256419 bytes)  doug_black_4.jpg (269628 bytes)

Above: Doug & Dianne Black's 1993 Mk1 Reliant Scimitar Sabre - powered by Nissan 1800Ti



VivWhite.jpg (111976 bytes)   VivWhite2.jpg (133850 bytes)   VivWhite3.jpg (124459 bytes)

Above: Viv White's 1992 Mk1 Scimitar Sabre among his other cars, SS1, SE5a and SE6a GTE's.  



MalcNorris1.jpg (320693 bytes)   MalcNorris2.jpg (274911 bytes)   MalcNorris3.jpg (297318 bytes)   MalcNorris4.jpg (339870 bytes)

Above: Malcolm Norris's 1994 Mk2 Scimitar Sabre



BenReynolds1.jpg (78129 bytes)  BenReynolds2.jpg (74503 bytes)  BenReynolds3.jpg (89954 bytes)  BenReynolds4.jpg (73116 bytes)  

Above: Ben Reynolds 1993 Mk2 Scimitar Sabre



Jeffsabre1.jpg (122292 bytes)   Jeffsabre2.jpg (122231 bytes)

Above: Jeff Gambold's 1992 Mk1 Scimitar Sabre - powered by Nissan 1800ti



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Above: Peter and Glynis Freeman's 1993 Mk1 Scimitar Sabre - powered by Nissan 1800ti 1800Ti. Only about 50 of the 1800ti's were made!



Peter Silcock.jpg (226722 bytes)   Peter Silcock2.jpg (275946 bytes)

 Above: Peter Silcock's 1989 Mk1 Scimitar Sabre.

Now a bit more modified!! See the modified motors section



Bob Hughes.jpg (46016 bytes)   Bob Hughes2.jpg (52981 bytes)   bob hughes3.jpg (41807 bytes)   bob hughes5.jpg (47198 bytes)

Above: Hugh Francis's 1993 Mk 1 Scimitar Sabre - powered by Ford 1400 CVH 






keywords: reliant sports cars. sabra, reliant sabre, sabre six, reliant scimitar, scimitar gt, scimitar coupe, scimitar gte, scimitar gtc, scimitar ss1, scimitar sst, scimitar 1800ti, middlebridge scimitar, scimitar sabre, triplex ogle gts, ogle daimler sx250, boris forter, david ogle, carl olsen, cipher, ray wiggin, tony stevens, william towns, tom karen, peter bailey, hodge, michelotti, bertone, fw7, fw9, fw11, se82, ss2, pr2 prototype, r931, se1, se2, se3, se4, se4a, se4a, se4b, se4c, se5, se5a, se6, se6a, se6b, se7, se8, se8b, bobby parkes, arthur rusling, arthur senior, raymond baxtor, roger clark, reliant sabre and scimitar owners club, sporting reliants, 3 litre essex engine, dave poole, princess anne, prince philip, prince edward